How popular are you? (for girls!)

Lots of girls dream of being popular. Lots of girls want to be loved and be envied. Lots of girls want to be popular girls! Are you a popular girl or are you in the priceless category that 99% of future celebrities are in? Let's find out!

This quiz is an honest quiz about how popular you are! This mighty be very accurate, I'm just some 13 year old piano girl typing this bc I was bored lol. You go girl!

Created by: JennyWren
  1. Thanks for taking this quiz love <3. First question,How old are you? :)
  2. What's ur friend group like?
  3. What's ur hair like?
  4. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?
  5. How do you balance your social life with grades
  6. How many of these do you have? Tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp, Snapchat.
  7. How many followers do you have?
  8. Do any boys/girls have a crush on you?
  9. You walk down the hallway...
  10. Thanks for taking this quiz! Renember, this quiz is probably in no way accurate and yuh. What do you think ur result will be? (doesn't effect results)
  11. Fjdid---skdriekrheo4hrjdsjwkrueie
  12. Did you like this quiz? (effects results) (jk!)

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Quiz topic: How popular am I? (for girls!)
