How popular are you

Are you an outcast? A popular? An overly confident? You will soon get to know after you do this quiz! Just answer the questions below and have fun playing!

Please, after you take this quiz, at least leave a rating comment to let me know how you feel about this quiz! And don't forget just have fun! I do hope this helps you in your life!

Created by: Buffet_muffin

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How much friends do you have??
  2. Do you easily make friends??
  3. Wich type of person are you
  4. What qualities do you look for when It comes to friends??
  5. What do you do for fun?
  6. Why did you take this quiz?
  7. How do you feel around people?
  8. How do you describe yourself
  9. Are you use to being around people?
  10. Are you ready for the results?? (This question will have impact on the score)

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Quiz topic: How popular am I