How popular are you?

A quick and easy popularity quiz to find out what people think of you! Only takes about 2 minutes to find out exactly how popular you are! Results are very accurate

If you are not sure how people think of you, ask someone around home! They are sure to help you out!!! P.S I think you are just FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Mia
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. How would others describe you?
  3. How many smiles do you receive a day?
  4. How often do you have 1 or more friends over or you are asked over?
  5. Are you the leader of a friend group?
  6. Would you rather?
  7. Do you care about your looks?
  8. Why do you like to look good
  9. How would you describe yourself.
  10. Do you have confidence?

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?
