How Popular Are You?

Hello! Are you a popular queen? A cool kid? Are you getting up there or are you a nobody? Find out just how popular you are in this simple quiz! It's easy!

JUST DO THIS QUIZ or are you a nobody that's too scared? Ugh I hate scared creeps. f--- off, then! Unless you know your cool. But most will be nobodies. Ha! Give it a go.

Created by: Stephanie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How Many Friends Do You Have?
  2. Do you Have a Boyfriend?
  3. Are you Mean?
  4. Are you smart?
  5. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
  6. U mmmmmm I can't think
  7. You Have Crushes
  8. You Have A Hard Life Trying to Be Popular
  9. "f--- my life"
  10. "No, she's too fat and ugly to be in our group"

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Quiz topic: How Popular am I?