How popular are you?????

How popular are you?? popularity is a state where you have lots of friends who care about you or look up to you. this quiz contains advice and etc score not to high and not to low

Good luck and listen to my advice. try to not be offended, I am here to help you,and don't change to much,your friends want you. the result may be false.

Created by: Esther
  1. How many birthday partys have you been to??
  2. what do you wear??
  3. what do you do at lunch during school
  4. you see your friends bulling
  5. does your teacher like you
  6. how loud and gross are you???
  7. where do you live???
  8. are you in a group of people at school???
  9. what up??
  10. are you good at lots of things??

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Quiz topic: How popular am I?????