how popular are you

ok whatever you get you were born to be the person you are soo don't be bum if you get teribly results it just a quiz nobody knows you took itsooo go have fun

Are YOU popular?do you have POWER? do you know how to throw a party?well i got answers soooo take this quiz if you want see if what you get is what you knew you get....confuseing right well take the qiuz plzzzzzzzz

Created by: jessie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how many friend do you have?
  2. okay how many peple wave 'hi' to you in the hall daily
  3. how many parties have you got invited to in the last 2 months
  4. do you go to the foot ball games at your school
  5. over the weekend you and your friends....?
  6. when you are at school you pretend to....?
  7. one of the thing your intersted in is....?
  8. when you have nothing to do you......?
  9. what your style?
  10. the final Q (Q for qeustion) is do you think your popular

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Quiz topic: How popular am I