how phycic are you?

phsycic abilitie is a strange yet powerful gift. every one has a little phsycicness in them, but no ones knows exactly HOW much. do u suffer from to much de ja vu? or lack of mind reading talents? do u call urself a phycic, but arnt exactly sure???

then take this quizz to find out exactly how phycic u r! note: dont take the scores personally, they may be right, and they may not. who knows? only a true phsycic right? wich MIGHT be YOU!!

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you ever hum a song or think of a song and comes up on the radio a minute later?
  2. hav u ever dreamed something then the next day it came true?
  3. can u read minds? if so, wat am i thinking of RITE now
  4. wats ur star sign?
  5. do u hav 'visoins' meaning u randomly stop and an image or somethings comes to ur mind?
  6. ur standing there and in ur mind u see a woman get hit by a truck. u turn around and there she is about to step out onto the u..
  7. look into my crystal ball and i will show u...
  8. do u often get de ja vu?
  9. wat steriotype do u consider urself?
  10. last question..... do u believe in magic?

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Quiz topic: How phycic am I?