how patriotic are you?

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patriotism is not just a feeling. man without a patriotic spirit is a man with no soul take this quize to know your fellings,emotions and above off all your soul.

are you patriotic? do you have the ability to sacrifice for you motherland? can you be the most patriotic person in the world? to check all your abilities do undergo this quiz,

Created by: rao saleha mehboob
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if someone say something bad about your country what would you do?
  2. how important your culture is for you?
  3. how many festivals are there in your country?
  4. do you want to see other countries?
  5. whats your favourite colour?
  6. how many proviences are there in your country?
  7. whats your aim to be?
  8. do you love making friends?
  9. what if you will become the president of your country?
  10. do you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: How patriotic am I?