How Pagan Are You? | Comments

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  • I am wiccan, and I will be so no matter what my parents tell me. They think I am somehow evil all of a sudden. They are Christains by the way. Last night we got into a HUGE fight about my beliefs, and they "kicked" me out for a little while. Some nice people picked me up, and even though they were Christains didn't treat me like I wasn't human. The people there told me that they believe true "Christains" are peaceful, kind, and loving people like me and them. I may always be wiccan, but I am my own person. I just wish they'd someday understand; instead of leaving me no choice but to leave without a license, job, or well... them. At this point I have no idea what to do, and they made me furious by saying there is no goddess. But if there wasn't- then I wouldn't have been found by such kind people. Anyways I do hope-I will be okay and survive this. Anyways should I stay and give up my books and my wiccan friends, or just leave?

    ~Blessed be~
    May the Goddess be with us all...

  • You're right, Varg, this wasn't . . . . Oh, I don't know what the word would be. It seemed to be slanted towards the history of the modern Wicca movement. And btw, I'm an integrational polytheist, primarily Hellenic Gentile, devoted to Enyalius, god of strife.

  • Maybe this quiz should have a different title? Like 'Do You Know Your Wiccan founders' or something?

  • I'm Pagan I belive in nordic paganism but these question has nothing to do with paganism


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