How Oregonian are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Oregonian are you?
How Oregonian are you?
Your Result: Quite Oregonian 70%Whether you've lived here or not, you are very knowledgeable and most likely liberal. Maybe a few years in Oregon and you'll become one of us! Doesn't that sound exciting!?!?!
62% Super Oregonian
40% Somewhat-Kinda -Sorta Oregonian
34% Fake Oregonian
0% RedneckYeah , I'm not as much an Oregonian as I used to be :( I was born there, though.
Super Oregonian lol
Haha. Live in Oregon, and love it.
93% super oregonian lol i live in utah but used to live in oregon and i will always be an oregonian no matter how long i live out of state
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