how old do you seem

too tall too short find how old you act!. there are many youngsters and oldsters? well many think im 13 but no im not lets just see how old you act its not that bad

ARE you too old too young.does everyone call you shorty because of your age well it depends on how you act right?" well we think we will see about that.

Created by: lola of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how tall are you?
  2. do you act your age?
  3. if you are were or under 12 what (did)do you eat for breakfast
  4. ok soo uh do you by any chance take school seriously
  5. you see a cute guy/girl what do you do?
  6. lol
  7. no words
  9. youtube woman
  10. favorite adult show

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Quiz topic: How old do I seem