how old are you

This section is particularly directed at anyone working in schools, school nurses, teachers, janitors, dinner staff etc. As up to one in ten teenagers harms himself or herself at some time, it is likely that at least some pupils in most schools are doing so. A pupil might decide to talk to you as someone they feel they can trust and seek out your help. Or it is possible that a friend of someone who is self-harming turns to you because they do not know how to help their friend

After this time, a teacher at school who I trusted realised what I was doing, and basically said to me that he knew, that he could get me help, but only if I told him I was doing it, otherwise he would do nothing, as he had no way to help me unless I wanted to be helped. Eventually, I told him and I got some help. My parents did have to be informed, however, and I was terrified about how they would react. But they were fine about it, just confused about what I was doing and why. But I couldn't explain it to them. You have to go through it to understand. Anyway, I got help and it was the best thing I have ever done.

Created by: amazon

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Quiz topic: How old am I