How old are you?

HEy there. I'm Ivy but you can call me pants. In this quiz I am trying to guess your age, (hopefully) although I am only 11 so there is a small chance this is even correct.

If it isn't accurate please don't sue me, (I don't think you can but anyways) I only have $89.72 so you wouldn't be getting much anyways. Hope you enjoy. :)

Created by: ivypants
  1. Do You have a job?
  2. Are you in school?
  3. Which is your favorite activity (out of these options)?
  4. What is your relationship status?
  5. What time do you wake up?
  6. What time do you go to bed?
  7. How often do you break out? (pimples, acne, zits, etc.)
  8. If you could visit any of these options, which would it be?
  9. Which is your biggest fear?
  10. How tall are you?
  11. What is your favorite food?

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Quiz topic: How old am I?
