How old are you?

There are many quizzes labeled, "How mature are you?" but this one is real. Find out which age your maturity level fits! Take this quiz and have fun!!

How mature are you really? Are you eleven years or older? Or are you immature and irresponsible for your age? Well if you've always wanted to know then find out now!

Created by: HaHaHa11
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You go shopping at the mall and buy...
  2. Do you babysit?
  3. . Do have any guys that like you? Or have a crush on you? (if your a guy then put girl in for guy)
  4. In school you do...
  5. Can you read?
  6. Do you tell lies?
  7. What color is your bedroom?
  8. What are you doing in math?
  9. Summer camp!
  10. 14. One of the 'in-crowd' comes up to you and says "Your jacket is so last do you like being out of style?" You...
  11. What do you call a beautiful feline?

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Quiz topic: How old am I?