How Obsessed Are You With Minions?

There are many Minions in the world real of interpreters but still its nice to see who is obsessed with Minions because it shows how epic you are because Minions are epic.

Are you obsessed with Minions? IF SO THEN TAKE THIS QUIZ if you are not sure then take this quiz anyway even if you don't know how obsessed you are with minions?

Created by: a Girl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Ok here is a first simple question Where were Minions first seen?
  2. How were Minions first created?
  3. Which of these is NOT a Minion?
  4. What food do the minions LOVE?
  5. Who transformed the minions into evil Minions?
  6. How many Minion based items do you own?
  7. Do you own both of the Despicable Me movies?
  8. How Many Minion names can you remember on the spot?
  9. Do you know the Banana song lyrics?
  10. Have you heard about the new Movie.

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Quiz topic: How Obsessed am I With Minions?