How Obsessed Are You With Hamilton?

We all know the hit Broadway musical, Hamilton. But do you know all the facts? This quiz basically tests you knowledge on all the facts that you should ideally know.

Take this quiz to find out how obsessed you are :D have fun! Please give this quiz an honest rating at the end so I can improve the quizzes I make for you guys in the future.

Created by: Ham4Life
  1. In The Schuyler Sisters, what is the first order of the sister's names mentioned in?
  2. In which cabinet battle does Washington ask Hamilton and Jefferson to take a walk?
  3. How many songs are in the musical (not the mixtape)?
  4. Where was the musical inspired from?
  5. Who wrote the musical?
  6. Who originally played the role as Eliza?
  7. What is the longest song in the musical?
  8. Exactly how many seconds long is Farmer Refuted, as in the actual recording, not when the music completely stops (don't cheat, I'm watching you)
  9. How old are you?
  10. Did you like this quiz? :D

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Quiz topic: How Obsessed am I With Hamilton?
