How nice are you?

How nice are you? You may THINK you're nice, but that isn't the same as really knowing! Being nice is acting nice plus having a nice personality.......

You'll learn if you need to be nicer or you have just the right amount of niceness! Choose the answers you would actually choose to truly know how nice you are!

Created by: Thunderstar
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You're walking and you accientally give someone in the hall a flat tire. You...
  2. Your friend gives you a shirt that you already have. You...
  3. Your friend accientally breaks a window in your house. Your mom comes home just then and sees it. You...
  4. Some people come to your house asking for toys to give away to orphans. You...
  5. Choose your favorite face.
  7. You pour a glass of water and go get some food. When you get back to your water, your friend is drinking it! (You haven't touched it) You...
  8. Your friend keeps drinking the water, but knocks it over 2 seconds later, right onto your pants!!! You...
  9. Your friend keeps drinking the water, but knocks it over 2 seconds later, right onto your pants!!! You...
  10. Your friend from the last question breaks your fave shell from Hawaii. You...
  11. The next day the same friends begs and begs for you to forgive her. You...
  12. What is your favorite creature?
  13. Do you talk to your friends a lot?

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Quiz topic: How nice am I?