How nice are you?

Do you think your nice? Or maybe you insanly mean. Take this quiz and find out!Then read your results and read all about you,and maybe fix something.So just answer the questions and find out.

Do you think yor nice? Or maybe you insanly mean. Take this quiz and find out!Then read your results and read all about you,and maybe fix something.So just answer the questions and find out.

Created by: Briphy

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you see someone fall in front of everyone, do you
  2. When someone askes you how they look, you notice that they have something coming out of their nose. what would you do?
  3. When asked for help you...
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  5. How often do you give hugs to comfort people?
  6. a rumer about your friend has started in your school. What do you do?
  7. What do you usually do when your friend is crying?
  8. Would you ever talk about someone that is a friend
  9. If you could with out getting in trouble,would you yell at your teacher?
  10. Do you enjoy hurting peoples feelings?

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Quiz topic: How nice am I?