How Newark are you?

Newark on Trent, whether you think it or not it, is a great place to live. Yes it has its bad points, but with a fantastic history, beautiful old buildings, its unique characters and wonderful people of the town and surrounding areas... it is a great place to be.

This quiz is meant to be a light hearted test to seek out the true Newarker, some if the questions will only be known to people that have lived here all their lives..a newcomer or wannabe will never know the answers!

Created by: Dazmisiak
  1. How do you greet a friend in the street?
  2. Do you remember the Bowling Green as:
  3. You've just been in trouble with a mingra what have you done?
  4. A chap with a dog stands next to you in the pub, some one tells you it's Pluto..who is he?
  5. You really fancy a peeve, what do you want?
  6. A friend says 'nashing down the Asha Mush' where does he want to go?
  7. Who is 'Mars Bar'?
  8. You went to school at 'tit and brick' you went where?
  9. What could you buy at Ken Coynes?
  10. You've just mullered a juckla - what have you done?

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Quiz topic: How Newark am I?