How mutch do you know?

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There are many smart people in the world. you may be one. You never know. You might just ace it. Try it. AND YOU ARE NOT ALOWED ANY RESORCES TO HELP YOU!

Well i don't know what else to say about so just take it. now. because i am getting tired of typing. And remember the rule. nothing to help you at all.

Created by: Abbi
  1. Who was the First president of the United States?
  2. what is the square root of 2
  3. How panted the mona lisa?
  4. what is wine made of
  5. what day did barack obama become president?
  6. how much of our body is water?
  7. what instrument did beethoven play?
  8. Pick one
  9. Recycling is
  10. This Quiz is

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Quiz topic: How mutch do I know?