How Musical Are You?

Music is not a talent, not a gift, but a work of art. Your amazing talents will strive or they will fail but out if you have the talent and gift or strive to fail in every way possible in life BECAUSE YOU BETTER WIN MUS IS AMAZING!

Are you musical? Take this quiz to find out! But now you'll find out easily in perfection how you'll find out! I hope you win! BECAUSE YOU BETTER MUSIC IS SO GOOD.

Created by: Spydude6
  1. How many instruments do you play?
  2. How many instruments do you know?
  3. Do you like instruments?
  4. What is the first song ever created?
  5. How many music classes do you have?
  6. How do you feel about instrumets?
  7. Do you want to get coffee?
  8. I like toast!!!
  9. Whats your fav band?
  10. Yutcoifgdio:&%tyhb.

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Quiz topic: How Musical am I?