How much you like Indians

Have you ever thought you hated Indian people well then this is the place to test that ability and put your brain to work by answering the questions in this sort Q

100% you hate Indians for life and can never change 0% you love Indians and will never be able to change 40-60% you kinda like or kinda hate Indians and can change

Created by: Sup 1234
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Think they smell bad
  2. Think there smell causes global warming
  3. Think they should be poor
  4. Think they are uneducated
  5. Think they worship millions of weird gods!
  6. Think they are corrupt
  7. Think they all speak Hindu
  8. Think they all have red dots on there head
  9. Think they all migrate from India
  10. Think the men want multiple wife's

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