How much you know about Numberblocks?

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How much you know about the annoying numberblock four? So what is going to be bad like so but sometimes you like it sometimes you don’t! What can you get for yourself?

Do you know mostly about these things of math? Take this quiz and see how much of a fan are you? Take this quiz and see what you got for yourself for that matter.

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What shape was four’s first victim?
  2. What Numberjack did four mistake for the biggest four ever?
  3. Which nick junior character was four’s mother?
  4. What is four’s iconic quote?
  5. Which one of the two main cast members don’t have parents?
  6. Which number that is 4 power of 10 is not annoying?
  7. What was the first odd number introduced?
  8. What is four’s best friend?
  9. What character does four get annoyed by?
  10. Which Numberblocks main cast member doesn’t two parents?
  11. What does 8 first appear in?
  12. What did four mistake oval for?
  13. What was the spoof of Numberblock four vs plants vs zombies?
  14. Which numbers isn’t part of the main cast?
  15. What unthinkable was four mostly controlled by?
  16. What Star Wars character does four mostly just like?
  17. What does zero like?
  18. What letter did four annoy?
  19. What did four call Spanish uppercase u?
  20. What was the first episode called?

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