How much the people, the ones near you, hate you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How much the people, the ones near you, hate you?

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  • You are 44% hated by your friends/relatives

    You rather have an enemy ones a month. Be vigilant to your surroundings, maybe you'll overheard your classmates'/co-work ers' forum about your bad personality. You'll just overheard just petty bad things, so don't worry.

    I thought I would have got 100%

  • You are 76% hated by your friends/relatives 76%

    Many hates you! There's a lot of them. From your neighbors' backyard to your workplace. They try to be nice in front of you, but actually they don't like you a lot. You are prone to be psychopathic.

    Ac curate.

  • 7% QwQ... Good enough I guess?-


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