How much taylor swift fan are you?

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Take this test to determine if you really are a fan or just a fake fan. Or find out who taylor swift is. Please dont google the answers please ok please but really tho.

After this you can listen to all her songs. She is happiness. Snake. Queen. Legend. I love food btw. This is a bad test but it take a long time to make and im just saying this because it has to have a minimum of 150 characters.

Created by: swiftieandrea
  1. Do you have any fan accounts?
  2. Do you think you are a fan?
  3. Do you own any merchandise?
  4. If someone said they would buy you tickets to any concert would you choose hers?
  5. How many albums do you have?
  6. In the middle of the night when im in this dream
  7. how old is she?
  8. what did she not talk about in her musical monolugue?
  9. K*nye?
  10. go listen to her songs

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Quiz topic: How much taylor swift fan am I?
