How much of an Epic Gamer are you?

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This quiz decides how Epic of a Gamer you are. I don't even know what this is. I made this in like 20 minutes. Anyways, I hope you have fun with this and are happy with your results.

In case you're not happy with you're results, then so what? Just do it again. It's not a one try, one answer type of thing. Just keep trying until you get the Epic Gamer level you want.

Created by: Ari Burtness
  1. Do you play any OG games?
  2. What type of games do you play?
  3. Which one of these characters is your favorite?
  4. How expensive is your gaming setup?
  5. What brand of console / PC / gaming laptop do you have?
  6. How good is the quality of your headphones?
  7. How many hours a day do you spend gaming?
  8. What is your K/D ratio?
  9. Do you like competitive games?
  10. How many different games do you play?

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Quiz topic: How much of an Epic Gamer am I?
