How much of an AIESECer are you?

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We are all AIESECers but... how much? Test yourself in this well-planned quiz, done by the most AIESEC experts around the world. Go on, dont be afraid (though your results will be sent to Ana and you may be fired).

Just HOW MUCH of an AIESECer are you? Wondering to apply to that new challenging role and just looking for some feedback from a totally reliable on-line quiz? Just a few minutes and you'll know if you're a true AIESECer!

Created by: juancgura93
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When a Team Member from your area tells you he’s going to leave AIESEC:
  2. When the oldest Team Leader in your area tells you he is not applying for VP:
  3. You just arrived home from a conference and you’re like:
  4. When a friend doesn’t understand why you ‘work for free’:
  5. When you are asked about your experience in a job interview:
  6. When an EP wants to go on GCDP to a wealthy, far away country:
  7. When you’re applying for a new role, and get asked ‘what have you learned so far in the positions you’ve held?’:
  8. When a university administrative writes you ‘aisec’ in an email:
  9. When you’re talking with a university and they’re like ‘Well, this has to be revised… I don’t know… can we answer you in a month?’:
  10. When you wake up for plenary after last night’s party:
  11. When you’re checking curriculums from oGIP EPs:
  12. After a conference:

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Quiz topic: How much of an AIESECer am I?