How Much of a Woman Are you

Well, is an Amazing World, Men are from Yorkshire and Women are From Swindon, or at least the Famous Book Says. Try this Quiz to see how you fair in the Scheme of things

Do you have mood swings, do you buy unnecessary items? Feeling unhappy and its someone elses fault? Don't Know why, or have you changed your mind? On that one ?

Created by: Stephen
  1. Are you Generally Happy
  2. Are you sure about the last answer or have you changed your mind already?
  3. Do You Consider Yourself as a 'Victim' despite having a Better Education, Being discriminated positively in the Courts, and Earning a lot more than most men can ever dream of?
  4. How much do you spend on things that you don't need or want?
  5. If you Drink too much do you blame your Partner -IE 'Why did you let me drink all that Wine'
  6. Do you try and Control Things as much as possible?
  7. How much time do you spend Making up, or Bathing
  8. Chocolate is Better than Sex with George Clooney
  9. Communication - Do you try and speak to your partner when they are either outside, in another room, and can't hear you?
  10. Do you forget about the silly things you have said and done, but remember a mistake your partner made/said 12 years ago?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Woman am I