How much of a weaboo are you?

How much of a weaboo are you? Are you completely addicted or meh... ? This test will show you a kinda accurate result! I hope please woooooooooooooooo

I don't know what to write here, yeah im lazy so im just gonna write alot of random words Buddy you're a boy make a big noise Playin' in the street gonna yes

Created by: Bilbo
  1. Want a katana?
  2. Are you trying to learn Japanese, Korean, Thai etc.
  3. Do you have any wallpapers, figurines, cosplay, etc. Of any anime characters?
  4. Do you watch any type of anime?
  5. If you draw, do you draw anime characters or anime style?
  6. What does konichiwa mean?
  7. What type of hair do you have?
  8. What are you wearing right now? ('SU' stands for socks and underwear)
  9. When you finish an anime what do you do?
  10. How many animes are you currently watching?
  11. You're about to find out how much of a weeb you are what do you think?

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Quiz topic: How much of a weaboo am I?
