How much of a Tomcat are you?

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Roland Orzabal is one of the greatest musicians and songwriters alive. Are you a real fan? Or are you just a poser? Take this quiz and find out!!!!!!!

I'm forced to write something in this paragraph for some reason so I will say ROLAND ORZABAL RULES!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!.!!!!!!!..ssdsdsdas!!

Created by: Pijus Orzabal
  1. Where were you on September 11?
  2. What do you exclaim when something bad happens?
  3. What do you say when you see your best friend Andy?
  4. If you could get one free ticket anywhere, what ticket would you get?
  5. Who's your favorite drum 'n' bass artist?
  6. Who's screaming outside?
  7. What was the worst terrorist attack ever on American soil?
  8. If you could have one question answered, what would it be?
  9. This man was one of the two members of the acclaimed group Tears for Fears, and later went on to release a cult solo album under his real name.
  10. If you had to kill a group of atheists, how would you do it?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Tomcat am I?
