How Much of a Simp Are You?

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How much of a simp are you? Find out in this quiz that honestly tells you your simp percentage. Please remember that this is all meant to be a joke and don't take this seriously.

If you're still not sure if this is a joke or not, let me drill it into your head for a second. This is supposed to be a joke, DO NOT take this seriously.

Created by: SpeedBump
  1. Do you constantly donate lots of money to female streamers who don't even care about it?
  2. Do you put women on a pedestal for no reason?
  3. Do you get perverted and look at a girl's chest/hips whenever she exposes them?
  4. Are you a brainless beta who hates on men?
  5. Do you think of switching your gender at all?
  6. Do you feel the need to cry yourself to sleep when a girl insults you?
  7. Would you call yourself a pimp or a simp?
  8. Do you worship women like they're gods and treat men the exact opposite way?
  9. Do women view you as softer than a pillow?
  10. Are you ready for your final answer?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Simp am I?

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