How much of a Once Upon A Time fan are YOU???

Have you ever watched Once Upon A Time? If so, have you ever wondered how much of a fan you are? If you want your answer, please do this quiz!! It might be a little hard, because you have to memorize episodes and everything, but it's nothing you can't handle mate!!!

If you like this quiz, please also visit my what once upon a time character are you quiz on this website. Created by Sara, but my username is Killian Jones. Enjoy!

Created by: Killian Jones
  1. What is the first episode on season 3 called?
  2. Who is Kathryn? And who does she love?
  3. How did Henry find Emma?
  4. How did Snow bring David back from the dead?
  5. What is Greg's last name?
  6. When do Hook and Rumple first meet?
  7. On Season Three, Episode 1, a Lost Boy gives Rumple something that makes him cry. What is that object?
  8. When does Graham die?
  9. Which episode is it that Snow starts reading to David while in his coma?
  10. Opinion question. Who thinks Hook is HANDSOME??

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Quiz topic: How much of a Once Upon A Time fan am I???
