How Much of a Nerd are You?

A true nerd is not someone with glasses and pocket protectors. True nerdiness comes from inside. If you are taking this quiz, you are already at least 8% nerdy, just so you know.

Do you have the brains to qualify to be a True Nerd? How nerdy are you, truly? Now may be your chance to find out. Thank you for taking this quiz, live long and prosper, and so on.

Created by: Zt

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You enjoy school
  2. What is the C in E=MC squared?
  3. You read on your free time
  4. You take stupid quizzes on the internet from time to time.
  5. Einstein's Theory of R________
  6. ------ Jones
  7. You read warriors. If true, who is the Fourth?
  8. You read more than four hours a week
  9. Recess is not a school subject.
  10. You make Venn Diagrams

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Nerd am I?