How much of a NERD are you?

Are you a nerd? Find ot by completing this easy quiz. Even though you aren't a nerd, keep tryng and I assure you that you will do well in life. Keep it up.

Are you a nerd? Find ot by completing this easy quiz. Even though you aren't a nerd, keep tryng and I assure you that you will do well in life. it up.

Created by: angle ciegas
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many A grades do you get on your report?
  2. Are you one of the smartest in your class?
  3. Do people ever call you a nerd?
  4. Are very organised?
  5. Do you have neat handwriting?
  6. Do you have glasses?
  7. Do you consider yourself smart?
  8. Are your teachers very pleased with the grades you are getting at the moment?
  9. Do you have smart friends?
  10. Does your teacher ask you to help others?

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Quiz topic: How much of a NERD am I?