How Much Of a Minecraft Fan Are You?

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Ever gonna say anything ever important about this quiz in either of this paragraphs so just stop reading this! Okay you're still here? Your just wasting your time >:)

Created by: Luggage
  1. Minecraft features characters known as "creepers." How was the creeper initially invented?
  2. How big is a "chunk" in Minecraft?
  3. What causes a red mooshroom to turn into a brown mooshroom?
  4. How are music discs found in Minecraft?
  5. What should a player wear on his head to keep an Enderman from attacking?
  6. What type of wood is not found in Minecraft?
  7. Which is not a characteristic of a Guardian?
  8. YouTuber Ph1lza survived for five years in Hardcore, the most dangerous of all Minecraft modes. What finally killed him.
  9. What percentage of dungeon chests have enchanted golden apples?
  10. How many waves of Pillagers must a player defeat to end a village raid?(on hard mode)

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Quiz topic: How Much Of a Minecraft Fan am I?
