How much of a Long Islander are you?

Long Islanders take pride about where there from and we get very defencive if you say anything bad about Long Island. If you feel the same way then come see how much of a Long Islander you really are.

Long Islanders take pride about where there from and we get very defencive if you say anything bad about Long Island. If you think that you are a Long Islander then take this quiz

Created by: Justin
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you know someone that went to Chaminade
  2. If you're not from Long Island or NYC, you're not really from New York.
  3. The Hamptons is the coolest place to go
  4. Did your parent or your grandparents live in the city?
  5. You know exactly where the Amittyville house is.
  6. You like mustard on your burger
  7. You order a pie and get a pizza.
  8. You know where at least 20 7-11s are
  9. Have u grown up listening to Howard Stern?
  10. In December do you see just as many Monorahs as Christmas lights?
  11. Do u dread the change at Jamiaca?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Long Islander am I?