How much of a Little Witch Academia fan am I?

This is a quiz about how much you like the Anime “Little witch academia”. I have only watched the anime, so its not all the info. I never even knew there were movies until a week ago,

Please remember this is the first quiz I made, so it’s pretty weird, and might have some mistakes. Please don’t be mean about that, or bully me! Thank you.

Created by: Melodii
  1. Who is Atsuko Kagari?
  2. Who inspired Akko\Atsuko to become a witch?
  3. What does the spell “Tia Freye” Do?
  4. Who is Ursula Actually?
  5. At which episode does Atsuko learn the spell “Noctu orfei aude freator”?
  6. What are the names of Akkos friends?
  7. How many words of Arcturus are there?
  8. What’s Series of books is Lotte obsessed with?
  9. What characters from Night Fall did Lotte identify with, and why?
  10. What is a Cupid Bee?
  11. What handsome male does Akko meet?
  12. Is Akko her real name?
  13. What does the Luna Script look like?
  14. What’s the name of that weird teacher?
  15. What’s the conversation in episode 1 while in Leyline terminal? (I haven’t memorized, so it’s a bit different.)
  16. What does Lotte family own?
  17. How many years does it take for Papypidiodillia to hatch?

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