how much of a h2o mermaid are you?

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pleanty of people whatch the show! but do they know a lot about? you might say your a fan but are you really?? i know pleant but how about you????????

ARE YOU ONE OF THOSE CRAZED FANS WHO LOVE H20 AND SAY OHHH I KNOW EVERYTHING? well you must find out how good you know your h20 stuff.take the quiz and find out if you are a genius in h20

Created by: alexa

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what power is not ever been used oh the hit show h2o : just add water? turn something from water into....
  2. how do you turn into a mermaid?
  3. what power does cleo have?
  4. what power do emma have?
  5. what power does charlotte have?
  6. what power does rikki have
  7. what power does bella have
  8. whats cloes last name?
  9. what tail color would you have?
  10. what name character was never a mermaid?
  11. what is the color of cleo's gem on her locket?

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Quiz topic: How much of a h2o mermaid am I?