How much of A genius am i

There are clever people who are a bit of a genius, no one is perfect though. A genius is someone is knows every thing. Just try and try and then its even more clever.

I am a clever person, I do know all the answers. But are you, soon you'll find out. Just do this quiz. Do you have the power to take me on. Soon you'll find out.

Created by: Jack Jennings of Outlook 365
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many football players are on a football pitch per game in total
  2. 49 X 61
  3. to the tip of the shard how tall is it
  4. 9=4+O
  5. Which of the following are you best at
  6. What school year are you in?
  7. How much do rate this quiz /10
  8. And finally...
  9. How often do you exercise?
  10. Would you rather

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