How much of a gangsta Are U

this quiz tell a atory about how well of a good person or a bad person you are but I believe there is not that big of a difference between us all we need to get along.

that this quiz to find out if you will be a good person or a bad person the rest of you life you will have to decide on the kindof of questions i ask and how u answer them.

Created by: courtney
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. DO U Only HAng out With one Group of kids?
  2. Do U love to whear pants that fall off u butt?
  3. DO U swear?
  4. DO u ever lie?
  5. DO u steal?
  6. How many boy/girlf friends have u had this week?
  7. DO u like this quiz? has no effect on the answer
  8. DO you get in fights
  9. DO yu sneek out?
  10. would you take this quiz again?

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