How much of a Fullmetal Alchemist fan are you?

People are smart, there are a lot of smart people out there. The real question is, are you one of those smart people? Are you a genius like some others you might know?

I want to truly know if you are a true genius. That is the very reason that I made this quiz. It was to test your genius level ability and what your brain is capable of.

Created by: Jovi
  1. Who was King Bradley in the 2003 version?
  2. How was Gluttony created?
  3. What homunculus was originally human?
  4. Who was the first homunculus?
  5. In what part does "The Intrepid" play?
  6. Who was the first homunculus to die?
  7. Who was the last homunculus to die?
  8. Which homunculus died ironically?
  9. Who started the Ishvalan War Of Extermination?
  10. Who killed Maes Hughes?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Fullmetal Alchemist fan am I?