how much of a dips--- are you

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ever wondered how much of a dips--- u r? well now u can find out thanks to our helpful team @ memes inc. you can find out why u have no friends and why ur family hates you

we have your best interests @ heart and we devote our time to making u feel inferior so take our quiz to extend your chances of survival in your social life

Created by: poop
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. which weighs more, a tonne of feathers or a tonne of bricks
  2. what is your favourite band?
  3. what food are you?
  4. what is ur life ambition
  5. why are u taking this test?
  6. what is brighter, dan howell's teeth or my future
  7. favourite tv show
  8. how wd u describe urself
  9. what are u most likely to say
  10. how many hours a day do you spend tazering passing civilians

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Quiz topic: How much of a dips--- am I