How Much of a Diaper Lover are You?

I am a diaper lover, I wish it were normal for everyone to wear and use all the time. It was hard for me to accept that I was a diaper lover, and it took a lot of searching, but hopefully this helps you with some insight of your own!

I hope this quiz helps you to find the answers you were searching for. It might be considered taboo, but I love it and you should embrace it! That's my advice

Created by: Allison
  1. Have you ever wet your pants?
  2. Have you worn a diaper before?
  3. Have you used a diaper before?
  4. Have you ever been on diaper punishment?
  5. How often are you diapered?
  6. Would you ever continuously wet yourself in order to be put back in diapers, and / or be put on diaper punishment?
  7. Have you ever worn and wet in public?
  8. How do you like your diaper?
  9. How often do you think about diapers?
  10. How would you feel if you lost control of your bladder and had to wear diapers for the rest of your life?
  11. Would you like it if everyone wore diapers all the time, instead of going to the toilet?
  12. You just soaked your diaper and it's starting to leak. Now what?
  13. If someone close told you they were a diaper lover, what would your reaction be?
  14. If you went to put on underwear one day and realized all your underwear had been replaced by diapers, what would your reaction be?
  15. Would you want your significant other to be a diaper lover too?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Diaper Lover am I?

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