How much of a Dance Moms fan are you?

welll this quiz tooooooook little effort but i dont want to do characters so gooooood job for completing the quiz we are very proud of you!!!!! Go take the quiz!

Are you ready to take the quiz to decide if you are the bomb dot com at dance moms? if so take the quiz that is extremely hard but be very careful!!!!

Created by: Darby
  1. What dance was the final group dance for Maddie and Mackenzie
  2. What dance did Mackenzie use to beat Maddie
  3. What is the original team
  4. What was Maddie's solo on the show
  5. How old was Kalani when she came onto the show
  6. What were the two kids that came from Abby's Ultimate Dance Compotition?
  7. Who were the original Dance MOms
  8. What star did Maddie do music videos for?
  9. Who was Abby's enemy?
  10. Who was Cathy's daughter
  11. Who was Abby's favorite?
  12. Who joined the team in season 6
  13. What was a solo Brynn did during "Hip-Hop" week?
  14. Who did Abby bring in to try to replace Mackenzie in Season 3?
  15. Who could do 54 piroettes?
  16. Who does the death drop?
  17. When Maddie left Kalani said she liked being...
  18. Cathy had a boy on her team who was redheaded what was his name?
  19. Which mom does a bunch of work for Abby?
  20. Where is Abby's new studio?

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