How Much Of a Cheerleader Are You?

Are you a cheer leader? Are you a real cheerleader? Take this quiz to find out if the glitter really does run through your veins. And that you really are a cheerleader.

Even if you can say "I'm a cheerleader" truthfuly, the cheerleader spirit might not truly be inside you. If you want to know whether you really have it, take this quiz!

Created by: abigail
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite part of a stunt to be?
  2. What's your highest tumbling?
  3. How popular are you?
  4. Would you rather have a poof and a ponytail for practice or your hair down.
  5. How many bows do you have?
  6. What's your favorite gym?
  7. What kind of cheer?
  8. What's your favorite sneaker brand?
  9. How did you find this quiz?
  10. What are you doing after you finish this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much Of a Cheerleader am I?