How much of a brummie bastard are you?

This is a multiple choiche quiz. If you cannot read or do not have the brain capacity to understand how to participate you are truely a brummie. If any doubt please continue.

Let us discover how much of a brummie you truely are. Click on the answer that best describes your attributes and continue on. Good luck with the quiz

Created by: Daniel Pedersen
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you live in Birmingham or the surrounding areas?
  2. I support which football team?
  3. Have you ever had sex with a family member?
  4. How do you prenounce the word "Hotdog"
  5. What is your first childhood memory?
  6. I think of what when i masturbate
  7. I've been in how many fights?
  8. The first thing your male role model taught you
  9. My closest friend is who
  10. My finest skill is
  11. My future plans are

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Quiz topic: How much of a brummie bastard am I?