How much of a Borough are you?

QUIZ ON THE ROCK BAND THE BOROUGHS. test your knowledge on nyc's greatest rock band. answer carefully, there are tough questions. do your best, score high.

DO YOU KNOW THE BOROUGHS? QUIZ ON THE ROCK BAND THE BOROUGHS. test your knowledge on nyc's greatest rock band. answer carefully, there are tough questions. do your best, score high.

Created by: chris

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  1. Give the first and last names of the 3 current members of The Boroughs
  2. Name the original base player for The Boroughs.
  3. Where did the band play its very first show?
  4. Where did the band play its first show with Justin on bass?
  5. Who produced The EP Ostrich?
  6. What is Justin's nickname?
  7. What is Grady's nickname?
  8. Who coined the phrase 'constellation prize'?
  9. What NYC Club did The Boroughs get banned from ever playing at again?
  10. what was james haefner 'just tryng to do' after leaving the band?
  11. where was the band's record release show?
  12. What was the first song the band played in a performance with Justin?
  13. What was James Haefner's favorite article of clothing?
  14. Name the three songs from the original demo.
  15. what is grady's middle name?
  16. What rock legend's contest did the boy's play?
  17. what did grady's shirt say on their infamous halloween gig?
  18. What comes free at the bar at Trash bar?
  19. Finish this song title. Gone too _
  20. finish this song title- Yo - !
  21. finish this song title Another - song
  22. What song is also another phrase for a remote control?
  23. How many times did the band play in the legendary CBGB's?

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Quiz topic: How much of a Borough am I?