How Much of a Boring/Introverted Person Are You?

Take the quiz, you won't regret it! Jhvufvbhuibvuibvuidbvkdwbvkhdbhvbdhkvbdhbvhidbvhidbvhidbvhdbvhjdbvhjbdhvbhdsbvhdksbvjhbvjdbvhdbhvfbhvbdhbvh. YEAH!

Hdbgcfdibfwdifbcueiwfbgukedhfkjewbfjkegfewfhwehfbgwehkgfhkewdgfihewdgbfhewkgbfihewgbfihewgfhewgfhegwhfgehfgehfkwhkwgehkfghkwdgfhkfhffghegbhe. PERFECT!

Created by: Dat Person
  1. When you get invited to a party, how do you respond?
  2. How many times do you go outside voluntarily?
  3. How often do you go out with your friends?
  4. How many friends do you have?
  5. Do you live alone?
  6. How often do you go grocery shopping?
  7. How many hours a day do you spend on a screen?
  8. What's your relationship status?
  9. How many social media accounts do you have?
  10. When walking by a person, what would you do?
  11. Last question: Why did you take this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How Much of a Boring/Introverted Person am I?
