how much of a bnegals fan are you?

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i decided to make this quiz because i was a little bored and was thinking about how the bengals were going to do the season i think we have a great chance to make it to the playoffs possibly the super bowl

im tired of fair weather fans who only watch or support the bengals when they are doing good so i mad the quiz to see who the true fans are and who are fakes are

Created by: kian

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  1. what is the bengals head coach's name?
  2. what is the bengals head coach's name?
  3. what is chad ochocionco's jersey number?
  4. does carson palmer have a brother that plays for the bengals?
  5. what position does carson palmers brother play?
  6. how many bengals does it take to change a light bulb?
  7. who is T.O.?
  8. what does T.O. stand for?
  9. how many times have the bengals been to the super bowl?
  10. how many super bowls have the bengals won?
  11. how many super bowls have the bengals won?
  12. how many undefeated regular seasons have the bnegals had?
  13. how many times did i spell bengals wrong in this quiz?

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Quiz topic: How much of a bnegals fan am I?