How Much Like Me Are You?

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Hi! Welcome to my quiz! I don’t know if the theme of it has any kind of appeal for you, but, as you can guess by the title, it is to see how much you are like me!

There are twenty questions to answer., and they are either multiple-choice or with two options. Well, why are you still waiting there, reading this? Let’s go!

Created by: sasha_byles
  1. First question: the classic, what’s your favourite colour?
  2. Which of these artists do you prefer? (Sorry, but they’re all girls)
  3. Which Hogwarts house are you in?
  4. What’s your favourite Sol de Janeiro scent?
  5. What’s your favourite thing to do on a weekend?
  6. What’s your favourite subject?
  7. Starbucks or boba?
  8. Skincare or makeup?
  9. Cats or dogs?
  10. Fire, water, earth or air?
  11. What’s your zodiac?
  12. Okay, what’s the first letter of your MBTI?
  13. Second?
  14. Third?
  15. Fourth?
  16. And lastly, suffix?
  17. Is your aesthetic more:
  18. Who’s your favourite Sanrio character?
  19. Blackpink or Bts?
  20. Lastly, will you comment and rate? (Does not affect your result btw)

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Quiz topic: How Much Like Me am I?
